Monday, September 30, 2019

Therapy Management Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Health And Social Care Essay

Rheumatoid Arthritis is the most common signifier of inflammatory arthritis which was described in item for the first clip at the terminal of the eighteenth century. This systemic disease affects all cultural groups with the peak incidence in the fifth and 6th decennaries of life. It is characterized by proliferating and destructive alterations in the synovial membrane, periarticular constructions, skeletal musculuss and perineural sheaths of the host. Finally, the affected articulations become fibrosed or ankylosed because of destructive alterations in the joint construction [ 1 ] .EpidemiologyThe prevalence of the RA is about 1 % in the general population in the United States. Prevalence is similar worldwide. It affects all cultural groups with the peak incidence in adult females between the ages of 30 and 50. Disorder occurs three times more often in adult females than in work forces ) . Sing the significance and impact of RA is vitally of import, because it is a progressive destr uctive disease which leads to cram malformation, joint devastation and lasting disablement of the affected articulations [ 2, 3 ] .PathophysiologyEven though the exact cause is still unknown, research workers have found the disease is caused by auto-antibodies which affect synovial tissue. Most of the instances ( 70 % to 90 % ) are caused by the Rheumatoid Factor ( an autoantibody ) matching with IgG, itself an antibody. Most of the balance is caused by the arthritic factors attaching to IgM, IgA or IgE. This immune composite, which is a step of these arthritic factors, are engulfed by WBCs and luxuriant destructive muramidases within the lysosomes. Procollagenase, an enzyme released by neutrophils, is converted into active collagenase by the synovial fluid. Collagenase so splits the collagen of the articular surface gristle and leads to primary synovitis. This primary synovitis gives rise to a pannus which in bend signifiers villi. These villi migrate toward the joint doing its devastation and anchylosis [ 1, 4 ] . In add-on, some research workers say the disease is influenced by familial, environmental, infective factors, and autoimmunity [ 3 ] .DiagnosisThe right diagnosing is the key to the planning of intervention at any phase of a disease. Diagnosis of RA is suspected chiefly by detecting, forenoon articulation stiffness, inflammation and puffiness of the articulations of more than 6 hebdomads continuance impacting the little articulations of the custodies and pess symmetrically, synovial puffiness and hypertrophy with an infiltrate of assorted inflammatory cells including lymph cells and macrophages. Presence of serum rhe umatoid factor, radiological characteristics of RA and periarticular osteoporosis are the characteristic characteristics of the disease, apart from other characteristics such as febrility, weariness, weight loss, vasculitis and arthritic nodules. keratoconjunctivitis, dry eyes, and dry oral cavity, are excess articular and systemic characteristics of RA. Confirmation of the diagnosing is done by blood trials, joint aspiration and radiologic imagination [ 1, 2 ] .Orthopedic malformations of Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis can impact any joint in the organic structure. But it involves the peripheral articulations more frequently and really seldom affects the larger articulations. Deformities in the manus Symmetrical peripheral puffiness of phalangeal and interphalangeal articulations. Ulnar divergence of the manus is due to rupture of the collateral ligaments at the metacarpophalangeal articulations. This leads to stealing of the extensor sinews from their channels towards the ulnar side. Boutonniere & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s ( button hole ) malformation is due to the rupture of cardinal enlargement of the fingers ensuing in flexure at the proximal interphalangeal articulations. Swan cervix malformation is due to the rupture or stretching of the palmar home base of the proximal interphalangeal articulations which enables the sinews to steal towards the dorsal side. Here there is hyperextension of the PIP articulation and flexure of the distal interphalangeal articulations. Trigger fingers and the trigger pollex are the nodules over the sinews. Deformities in the pes RA affects the whole pes which consists of forefoot mid pes and back pes. If it is in the fore pes patients may develop, hallux valgus malformation of the great toe, claw toes, callus over the back of the pes and the sole, broadening of the fore pes and the heel may demo valgus malformation. Deformities of the other articulations In the articulatio genus, patient may develop hempen anchylosis or bony anchylosis due to widespread devastation of the articular gristle by the pannus tissue. And besides causes the followerss such as flexure and valgus malformation of the articulatio genus.ManagementPharmacological direction Under pharmacological direction, Analgesics NSAIDs and DMARDs are the chief drug classs that are ordering for the intent of cut down the patterned advance of the disease and the symptoms such as redness, swelling and hurting. Normally Azathioprine, Cyclophospamide, Ciclosporin, Hydroxychloroquine, Leflunomide, Methotrexate, Penicillamine, Sulfasalazine are the major drugs which use for the direction of RA [ 3, 4 ] . Physiotherapeutic and rehabilitative direction in Rheumatoid Arthritis The chief intent of physical therapy direction for RA is to accomplish hurting alleviation and prevent joint harm and the functional loss. Physiotherapeutic and rehabilitative applications have significantly augmented medical therapy by cut downing the disabilities in day-to-day life for patients with RA. The basic PT program of attention for the patients who have RA include educate the patient, relieve hurting and musculus guarding, promote relaxation, minimise joint stiffness, maintain available gesture, minimise musculus wasting, and prevent malformation by protecting joint constructions. Inform the patient on importance of remainder, joint protection, energy preservation, and public presentation of scope of gesture ( ROM ) are the inaugural stairss of the patient instruction. Besides teach place exercising plan and activity alteration that conserve energy and minimise emphasis to vulnerable articulations will cut down the patterned advance of the disease. Application of physical therapy modes and intercessions include cold / heat applications, electrical stimulations, soft massage, immobilise in splint, relaxation technique and hydropathy are the intervention techniques which use to alleviate hurting, musculus guarding and to advance relaxation. Even though there are several physiotherapy agents that normally used in day-to-day pattern, most frequently their usage is based on the personal experiences of the physical therapist [ 5 ] . Cold is one of the most normally used physical agents which is utilizing in assorted types of creaky conditions particularly during the acute phase. Applications of cold battalions, Ice, cold air are some of the different methods of using cold therapy. Harmonizing to the pathology of RA, the enzymes ( gristle – destructing enzymes ) such as collagenase, elastaase, spreading factor and peptidase which are doing devastation of the joint construction are impacting by the temperature of local articulations. The normal intra-articular temperature is 33 0C, but it may be lift up to 36 0C in patient with RA. With temperature of 30 0C or lower, effects of these enzymes are negligibly little. Cold is impacting on the circulation of the local articulations and causes vasoconstriction which reduces the blood supply to the joint. Reduced force per unit area inside the blood vass consequences low unstable exudate which reduces swelling and hurting. Application of hot battalions is effectual for the chronic creaky hurting. Vasodilatation occurs with the heat and delivers extra blood in to the damaged tissues. Increased O and foods supply to the damaged tissues facilitate tissue mending. Heat therapy can be applied as hot battalions, dry hot towels, and every bit good as moist heat ( steam ) . Transdermal Electrical Nerve Stimulation ( TENS ) , signifier of electrical stimulation which uses to cut down the hurting perceptual experience. Harmonizing to the hurting gate theory, the electrical urges travel through the centripetal A-delta fibres which has connexions with substantia gelatinosa, elicit a negative response at T cells. Percept of hurting diminishes due to shutting of the hurting gate by negative response of the T cells. Application of electrodes over where the hurting is most intense is good to cut down the hurting perceptual experience. Passive or active assistive ROM within absolute bounds of hurting and gradual patterned advance as tolerated are required to minimise joint stiffness and maintain available gesture. Gentle grade I and II joint distraction and oscillation techniques are used to suppress hurting and minimise unstable stasis. In fact these techniques cut down the swelling significantly. Maintain normal muscular strength and prevent musculus wasting are indispensable to go independent in Activities of Daily Living ( ADL & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s ) . Gentle isometric exercisings in hurting free places and patterned advance as tolerated minimize musculus wasting caused due to inadequate musculus work. In the interim, usage of supportive and assistive equipment for all pathologically active articulations, good bed positioning while resting, and turning away of activities that stress the articulations must be practiced to forestall progressive joint malformation. The ultimate end of physical therapy program of attention for the patients with RA is to do them independent in their ADLs. However, there are some contraindications and safeguards that physical therapist should see before administer any PT intercession to patients. Joint distraction, oscillation technique, stretching and inactive ROM should be done with the utmost attention of hurting and tissue harm. Besides application of heavy opposition over affected articulations and vigorous stretching are contraindicated particularly when articulations are swollen. The thought of the text was to give an overall description about RA and its direction schemes related to physical therapy. However, be aftering intervention Sessionss and find necessary intercessions are the responsibilities of the healer and besides it depends on patients disease position. It is far beyond the range of this text.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Person I Admire The Most

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life, Mr.Huyyt is the one that I most admire. He was the English teacher of mine during my school life at CWPPS. In contrast to some teacher's apathy, his vitality always refreshed the atmosphere in our classroom. Moreover, his enthusiasm and thoughtfulness still warmed my heart to this day.James Huyyt won everyone's spelling completion soon after he began teaching us. As he was not the first English teacher of us, everyone had a skeptical eye on him in his first class. Sensing our doubts, he began the class with a guessing-people game. he asked us to write about our characteristics on a small piece of paper, which afterwards was read to the class for us to identify the person. We had great fun that day due to his ingenuity to grasp what we wanted. Afterwards, the contempt students used to hold in him was nowhere to be seen.The energy and passion James possessed when teaching was unbelievable. With more and more days he spent wi th us, I noticed a distinctive quality of his that truly amazed me. No matter what the weather was like and how he was feeling, he was always in high spirits when he entered the classroom, as if he was ecstatic to see us. Besides, he encouraged us to interact with him; therefore, the class was by no means serious and tense, but very enjoyable and inspiring.James used clever techniques to arouse our interest in learning English. Quizzes are the indispensable element of a class, but James added them with his own illustrations to make them more fascinating. He also printed many handouts, adorned with him amusing drawings, to provide the information missing in the textbook for us. In short, he had the magic to transform something painstaking into pleasure. Furthermore; lots of English songs were introduced to us in his class.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Ethics and Their Role in Organizational Development

Business Ethics and their role in Organizational Development Brett Ballesteros National University In business today there are many different forms of operation and ways of achieving a successful firm. Organizational behaviors are key to insuring a business withstands the test of time and does so through the individual employees that are the foundation to firms around the world. These individuals must live and work by a set of ethics that the company and their everyday lives have instilled in them. Ethics can either make or break a company through employees application of this concept in the workplace.Ethics can be defined as a â€Å"moral philosophy involving systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior† (Fieser, 2003). In business, these ethics need to reflect the ideology and morals a company is built upon through the individuals and groups that represent a firm. The code of ethics for any business is put in place to ensure that their posi tion on integrity and conduct are not compromised. A business must maintain a certain level of integrity in order to be trusted not only by consumers, but its employees as well, as this is the cornerstone for corporate relationships.This code of ethics is typically based on the basic principles of right and wrong, whereas the individual must be able to differentiate between the two when formulating decisions that will directly affect the companies integrity. These decisions may not be entirely clear due to the nature and uniqueness to the different possible situations that may arise. Business ethics are there to make sure the business itself is governing good behavior. That’s why there are certain laws to prevent companies from over-working employees, or making sure children are not working for them as well.When companies use business ethics, it gives them a chance to show their morals. Every company should have a set of morals that they conduct their business by. Having thes e moral beliefs in a company gives the business something to set the rules by. It makes it much easier for managers employees to make their decisions based on their set of business ethics because that way they have a set of morals they can abide by when handling business decision-making. â€Å"Consequential theories of ethics emphasize the consequences or results of behavior.John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism, a well-known consequential theory, suggests that right and wrong are determined by the consequences of the action. â€Å"Good† is the ultimate moral value, and we should maximize the most good for the greatest number of people† (Nelson & Quick, 2012). It’s only obvious that good business ethics include having good moral as is. No one person wants to work for a company that they fell has bad morals. According to the company, Levi Strauss & Co. they set their business ethics up to: honesty, promise-keeping, fairness, respect for others, compassion, and integrity.They state, â€Å"As we seek to achieve responsible commercial success, we will be challenged to balance these principles against each other, always mindful of our promise to shareholders, that we will achieve responsible commercial success† (Stillman). A smart business knows that it must set ethics, character, and personal integrity inside each of its employees. This way each employee knows what is expected of them and that they are comfortable in their workplace. Not every job that I have attained has had good business ethics, but the ones that do are the ones that have stuck with me.If the employer treats their employee right it can only reap great reward. If an employee loves working for their company they are going to want that business to succeed, so they will promote the place and receive more sales that way. When it comes down to it, every person wants to work for a company who has great morals. Whether people actually abide by these â€Å"good† mora ls in life, they always tend to want to find a company who will keep these business ethics in mind. Good business ethics plainly mean that the people working there are going to have good morals.Having good business ethics means the company is going to receive trust of their employees which is going to build business partners and clients alike. In order for companies to attract and retain valuable employees, good ethic treatment is necessary. Every company has a code that they set their ethics to, and as long as they abide by those codes they are going to have people who are willing to work hard for them, also when these employees work hard it makes sense that the company should provide ethic praise.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Levendary Cafe Assignment Recommendations and Advice Memo Case Study

Levendary Cafe Assignment Recommendations and Advice Memo - Case Study Example 6. The cost to the company is the main problem because the occupancy, labor, food, supply, and marketing cost altogether incur a heavy cost for the restaurant. The occupancy cost includes maintenance of common area, real estate charge, as well as waste disposal cost. Altogether they comprise 10% of returns. Labor cost signifies 25% to 30% of revenues. Food costs represent around 32% of revenues. Supply cost signifies around 4% of total returns. Marketing fee accounts for 2% - 10% of revenue and overhead represents 5% - 15% 0f revenue. So, altogether the restaurant has to incur heavy costs on all these elements. Therefore, the gross profit of the restaurant is less (Barlett and Han 2). 2. Restaurant design: The design of the restaurant should be reliable with the designs of the US restaurants. It doesn’t matter whether the restaurants are big or small, but it should go well with the location. 4. Positioning: The present layout of the restaurant should be renovated. Better quality of food should be offered and the service should be fast so that the customer should not have to wait for their order. An excellent positioning changes the attitude of customers towards the product (Viardot 149; Hooley, Piercy and Nicoulaud 205). 5. Competition: It determines the suitability of a company’s activities which can add to its presentation (Porter). As the competition is high, so, the company should keep its margin low in order to attract more customer and they should create high awareness about their brand i.e. food quality in order to perform better from their competitors. The decisions which are needed to be taken for the better future of Levendary Cafà © are: Mia Foster can make Chen understand that what are the core values of the restaurant and also should build a panel for Louis Chen. She could also follow the approach of KFC or McDonald or other restaurants.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Morality and the Culture People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Morality and the Culture People - Essay Example Morality that is relative to culture has liberal implications for ethics, and as result it is a very significant topic, and the opinion on moral cultural relativism is virtually important.   This is a very practical impact of philosophical argument on the society, and not just selectively, but as a whole. Proponents of this argument normally point out that different cultures are built on different moral beliefs, and that morality is just a result of specific culture.  Moral absolutism is clearly the contrast to moral relativism, and in this argument, the proponents point out that moral cultural relativism is flexible. The former assert that there are exceptions to any moral codes, and in situations such as theft, lying and others can be morally justified, however, when the moral absolutism do not exist, then moral cultural relativism is true. Tolerance perspectives often validates this claim, and it suggests that only moral cultural relativism is consistent with the notion that p eople should tolerant of others that do not share similar opinions, especially people from a different cultural background. People from different cultural background must not consider that their own culture is morally more superior to the other cultures, and this is the foundational belief amongst the relativists. Moral Superiority Obviously, the arguments in favor of moral cultural relativity must not be taken as the gospel truth, rather, as the other side of the coin in the argument. Therefore, Criticisms of it constitute the other side of the coin.

Two short answer comments to a posting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Two short answer comments to a posting - Essay Example Also at issue is Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, written in post-World War II, which states that Japan will never again have land, sea, or air forces, or allow them to be formed. According to the Japanese people, this makes Japan incapable of defending itself and forces them to rely on other means such as the US Armed Forces, hence the issue leading back to the air base and its closure. Though it has been stated that these issues will not cause further problems or lead to bigger issues or friction between the two countries, this incident has the potential to develop into an international incident that could lead to a serious breakdown in relations between the two countries. Sources: Hayashi, Yuka. â€Å"U.S. Told Okinawa Base Plan Impossible†. Asia News, March 31, 2010. Accessed February 10, 2011. html?mod=WSJ_hpp_sections_world. Mass, Warren. â€Å"Controversy over U.S. Base in Okinawa†. The New American, May 21, 2010. Accessed February 10, 2011.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A banana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A banana - Essay Example Bananas come from the â€Å"genus Musa of the family Musaceae† (â€Å"banana†), and the seedless, edible ones come from the â€Å"species M. acuminata Colla or the hybrid M. X paradisiaca L.† (Morton 30). The different species of banana provide a clue to the fruit’s geographical origins, which is usually found in countries with tropical climates like Brazil, India, and Indonesia. Having various hybrids, meanwhile, further expands the fruit’s varieties and ensures continuous cultivation and propagation. Bananas are classified into major groups, such as Sucrier and Gros Michel, the Cavendish subgroup, and other cultivars (Morton 35). Mostly found in Colombia, the Philippines, and Burma, bananas from the Sucrier group are small in size, mostly sweet, and covered in thin skin (Morton 35). Due to their size and taste, bananas from this group are readily consumable and incorporated in dessert recipes. The Gros Michel group produces bananas that are larger from the ones in Sucrier group, yellow in color, and usually found in South America, Central Africa, and the Caribbean (Morton 36). The Cavendish subgroup, meanwhile, includes the Giant Cavendish, Dwarf Cavendish, and Bungulan (Morton 37). Medium-sized, thin-skinned, and delicate, the Dwarf Cavendish is usually found in China, East Africa, and South Africa. The Giant Cavendish is larger than Dwarf Cavendish, and closely resembles the Gros Michel (Morton 37). Riping unevenly during winter and prone to storage spoilage, Bungulan is mostl y used for cooking in Jamaica (Morton 38). Banana uses for food are as diverse as its varieties and hybrids. Eaten raw, a banana is peeled, sliced, or mixed with other fruits. Bursts of sweetness and undertones of tanginess are released from biting the soft, starchy flesh of a banana. Broiled or baked ripe bananas can be served with peanuts and brown sugar (Morton 41). When added in dessert recipes, a banana’s flavor and mushy

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Summary about singin in the rain movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary about singin in the rain movie - Essay Example To her embarrassment from Don’s reaction, she aims a pie at him but hits Lina instead. Don and Kathy however reconcile and fall in love. A subsequent presentation at the party is however successful and the producer decides to change the movie into a talkie whose production process is challenged with the worst experience being Lina’s voice. The production is then changed, upon success, into a musical with Kathy dubbing Lina’s voice. This annoys Lina and she determines to end the relationship between Don and Kathy as well as diminishing Kathy’s credit in the production. Following the success of the production, the audience calls on Lina to make a live performance. Don, his friend Cosmo and the producer decides to let Lina sing on stage while they project Kathy’s voice to the audience from the powered microphone behind a curtain. Don, Cosmo and the producer then reveals Kathy by opening a curtain, to Lina’s embarrassment forcing her to flee from the stage. When Kathy tries to run away, Don stops her, introduces her as the real star before the two sings, and they later appear kissing on a billboard advertisement of the ‘singing in the rain’ film with Don and Kathy as the stars (Donen and Kelly,

Monday, September 23, 2019

COMPARISON of The great Gatsby Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

COMPARISON of The great Gatsby - Essay Example Examples of movies that can guide one to make comparisons are old Great Gatsby (1974) versus new Great Gatsby (2013) and Double Indemnity (1944) and Body Heat (1981). To start with, the theme of the movie Great Gatsby is an adaptation of the novel entitled Great Gatsby written by Fitzgerald. In the novel, the writer focused on the lives of the materials excess that rich people from Long Island in New York enjoyed in 1922. Carraway is a young man in the novel who narrates his story about his life in New York amidst rich people from Long Island. The 1974 Great Gatsby movie adaptation takes very many scenes that caraway describes in the novel and allows the scenes to unfold directly to the viewers. However, it has expanded on some scenes such as love affairs and the director have shot them with adequate backlighting and starburst effects. The witness storyteller in the novel could not have seen these events and hence making them more than just stylistic issues in the movie. On the other hand, the 2013 Lurhmann’s Great Gatsby movie has completely fabricated the story in the novel. ... The old Great Gatsby film is deliberately slow with a bordering soundtrack similar to that in horror movies, but it tries to confine into that time accurately using music and clothing fashions popular during that period. The new Great Gatsby film is an eye candy montage that has better quality that the old version with a blend of music and the theme of the twenty first century. The parties that Gatsby threw to lure daisy in the narrative could be likely to be similar of 1974 parties than 2013 parties hence the older movies depicts a clearer picture of the narrative than the new film. Additionally, the 1974 Great Gatsby film has a more mature tone than the 2013 Great Gatsby film as the characters representing Gatsby and Daisy in the movie seem to be older than the same characters in the novel. According to Lindsay (Para. 1-4), the new film has a much younger faces of Daisy and Gatsby, which gives a closer look of the similar characters as described in the narrative in terms of age. Ca rraway in the movie of 1974 has a fresher feel of the character in the novel than the person taking the same role in the 2013 production. Dern effectively demonstrated the character of Tom in the narrative but Joel has a better description of Tom’s physicality in the novel than Dern in the old production. Despite the differences, there some visible similarities between the two films with the new version of production viewed as an adaptation of the old production more than an independent adaptation of the novel. Sheppard (Para. 8-9) states that, one of the chief similarities is the picture of the society living between Manhattan and Long Island illustrate in the two films. Moreover, the two film productions have inserted

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Emily Grierson Essay Example for Free

Emily Grierson Essay The object of fascination in the story. An eccentric recluse, Emily is a mysterious figure who changes from a vibrant and hopeful young girl to a cloistered and secretive old woman. Devastated and alone after her father’s death, she is an object of pity for the townspeople. After a life of having potential suitors rejected by her father, she spends time after his death with a newcomer, Homer Barron, although the chances of his marrying her decrease as the years pass. Bloated and pallid in her later years, her hair turns steel gray. She ultimately poisons Homer and seals his corpse into an upstairs room. Colonel Sartoris A former mayor of Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris absolves Emily of any tax burden after the death of her father, which later causes consternation to succeeding generations of town leaders. Tobe Emilys servant. Tobe, his voice supposedly rusty from lack of use, is the only lifeline Emily has to the outside world and he cares for her and tends to her needs. After her death, he walks out the back door and never returns. Judge Stevens A mayor of Jefferson. Eighty years old, Judge Stevens attempts to delicately handle the complaints about the smell emanating from the Grierson property. To be respectful of Emily’s pride and former position in the community, he and the aldermen decide to sprinkle lime on the property in the middle of the night. Homer Barron A foreman from the North. Homer is a large man with a dark complexion, a booming voice, and light-colored eyes. A gruff and demanding boss, he wins many admirers in Jefferson because of his gregarious nature and good sense of humor. He develops an interest in Emily and takes her for Sunday drives in a yellow-wheeled buggy. Despite his attributes, the townspeople view him as a poor, if not scandalous, choice for a mate. He disappears in Emilys house and decomposes in an attic bedroom after she poisons him. PART 2 1. The metaphor used to describe Emily in the first paragraph was a fallen monument. 2. The house is given a personality in the second paragraph in this way, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay . 3. Colonel Sartoris had the idea of and helped abate the taxes on the Grierson property. 4. Mailed her the tax papers. 5. Small, fat woman; short, spare skeleton, bloated and pallid; eyes like lumps of coal in dough of her face. 6. 32 years. 7. A bad smell; He explained that the smell was the result of a dead snake or rat that the servant had killed. 8. She told the ladies who called on her that he was not dead for three days. 9. Homer Barron , he runned a construction company. 10. Miss Emily Griersons neighbors in Jefferson were mystified with her sudden coupling with newcomer Homer Barron. They cant believe Emily would be interested in a common Yankee. 11. We learned that Miss Emily had been to the jewelers and ordered a mans toilet set in silver, with the letters H. B. on each piece. Two days later we learned that she had bought a complete outfit of mens clothing, including a nightshirt, and we said, They are married. We were really glad. We were glad because the two female cousins were even more Grierson than Miss Emily had ever been. 12. He was let into Emilys kitchen door at dusk one evening. 13. They spinkled lime because of a foul smell emanating from the house. 14. They find Homers corpse on the bed and they realize that the space next to him has been used, and they find one of Emilys gray hairs on the pillow. 15. Homer Baron was murdered and on the other pillow was some grey hair from Miss Emily.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Jamaica Kincaids A Small Place Analysis English Literature Essay

Jamaica Kincaids A Small Place Analysis English Literature Essay The idea of writing about cultural loss pays acknowledgment and in someway homage to a Caribbean Cannon. The Caribbean originally represented by the white plantation owner has now progressed into books by descendants of slaves in the 20th-21st century. Female Caribbean writers have started to confront fully their abused history. Kincaid claims, she always written her own life, but writing for her has been first and foremost a way of saving her life, not an attempt to speak for or identify with any group(Forbes, 2008, p24). Therefore, Kincaidâ„ ¢s writing can be seen to be explosive to the meaning by transforming the meaning of Caribbean writers; taking their writing back to their traditional Caribbean roots. This may not be an attack on the tourist but it can be seen as a rebellion against the traditional American, and European expression forced upon them. Kincaid says, One of the themes Caribbean women write about has much to do with the tension between both the gradations of col or and class (Cooper, 2007) Kincaid, stereotypically describes all of the tourists as white and usually as a higher class. By representing the tension of colour and class in this way the text goes as far as creating invert racism. Everything in  A Small Place, even the historical text, is expressed through Kincaidâ„ ¢s subjective and personal point of view and therefore told in the first person. Kincaidâ„ ¢s tone is usually bitter and sarcastic and although the irony is subtly sustained it is difficult to tell if she is being sincere, especially when dealing with Antiguaâ„ ¢s colonial past and tourist-demanding present. Kincaid always relates and addressâ„ ¢ the reader directly, as you, What is more, by narrating the hypothetical experiences, she therefore also makes extensive use of the second-person point of view. The you makes the attack more personal and more powerful, Kincaid is not like most writers dictating other peopleâ„ ¢s views, she is telling ËÅ"youâ„ ¢, what ËÅ"youâ„ ¢ think, and what ËÅ"youâ„ ¢ are. Kincaidâ„ ¢s ËÅ"simple attack on the touristâ„ ¢ is to express and highlight the real lives the ËÅ"otherâ„ ¢; the ËÅ"nativesâ„ ¢ who will always be unc lear to an outsider, the tourist. Kincaid believes that the ËÅ"nativesâ„ ¢ are the scenery and are part of what makes the small place. Kincaid sees the tourist as selfish, you may be at home; you are ugly as long as you are a tourist, bringing demands to small place without thinking of the consequences. Kincaid brings the significance of the ËÅ"small thingsâ„ ¢ in the ËÅ"small placeâ„ ¢, You are pleased, that your trip is unlikely to be ruined by rain, the tourist does not understand that these demands are a restraint on the ËÅ"nativeâ„ ¢ due to the lack of water. Ian Munt explores the values of the economic and environmental conditions of globalisation and the affect new tourism has on countries with a poor eco-structure. Munt claims thatâ„ ¢s The Third World has steadily emerged from the exclusive images of cataclysmic crisis-of starvation, deprecation and war-to represent the opportunity for an exciting, out-of-the-way holiday(Munt, 2004) meaning the tourist has turned the ËÅ"nativeâ„ ¢ into something new and ËÅ"excitingâ„ ¢ to experience. Muntâ„ ¢s goes on to claim that these environments have been promoted by the new middle classes as a means of . . .providing an ethnically enhancing encounter (Munt, 2004)the images of the ËÅ"cataclysmic crisisâ„ ¢ is what makes the holiday all the more fascinating to the tourist as it gives them the chance to experience a new culture, the chance to say they have had a new encounter of living and yet the tourist never sees the real world. It could be said that this is Kincaidâ„ ¢s rea son for attack upon the tourist. In part one Kincaid says, you neednâ„ ¢t let that slightly funny feeling you have from time to time about exploitation, oppression, domination develop into full-fledged unease, discomfort; you could ruin your holiday(Kincaid, 1988, p10) directly addressing the reader with a sarcastic tone. Kincaid recognises that the tourist is of a class high enough and well enough educated to understand Antiguaâ„ ¢s colonial history. However, Kincaid, criticisesâ„ ¢ the fact that this tourist will also l suppress their knowledge as not to ruin their holiday. Kincaid plays on this funny feeling reaching into the conscious by using the words exploitation, oppression, and domination. As a reader it is easy to see how the text transforms the text from a simple attack on the tourist by the native into a disturbing series of cultural observations. At the beginning of the second chapter Kincaidâ„ ¢s voice begins to change from a heavy second person to a slightly more traditional first person. Kincaid begins THE ANTIGUA I knew, the Antigua in which I grew up, is not the Antigua you, a tourist would see now. That Antigua no longer exists(Kincaid, 1988,p23) straight away it is apparent that it is not as simple as begrudging the ËÅ"uglyâ„ ¢ tourist, it is the beginning of a disturbing series of cultural observations that have resulted in change, it is anger towards the loss of a cultural identity and conformity. What is certain is that the transformation from the simple attack on the tourist to the revelation of disturbing series of cultural observations goes back to the post colonial. One of the first, Cultural observations that Kincaid makes is that of the Barclayâ„ ¢s brothers. A result of the British Colonial system was a capitalistic system; this went as far as the human trade, the slave trade. The reader soon finds out that the Barclayâ„ ¢s brothers, who started Barclayâ„ ¢s bank, were slave traders, that is how they made their money Kincaid rightfully condemns this capitalist system, and carries on her sarcastic tone expressing how shallow this system was, Itâ„ ¢s possible that when they saw how rich banking made them, they gave themselves a good beating for opposing an end to slave trading(26) this demonstrates how the historical acts of exploitation are never really over, the only thing that stops it, is not morality but the idea that something better may happen. The fact that Barclays bank is still in the middle of high street(26) makes a mockery of the locals who are still funding the brothers business, the descendents of the very people that Barclays Brotherâ„ ¢s would have sold in the trade. Kincaid goes on to question the reader, the tourist, Do you ever try to understand why people like me cannot get over the past, cannot forgive and cannot forget . . . The human beings they traded, the human beings who to them were only commodities, are dead.(26) What happened in the slave trade can never be put right. It would appear at this stage that it is not so much the tourist in which Kincaid is against but the past, and the people who created the past. Kincaid goes into what can only be described, as a childish attack on the tourist because there is no one else alive in which she can take her anger out on. Kincaid tells the tourist You look silly; you try eating the way you always eat, you look silly); they do not like the way you speak (you have an accent); they collapse helpless from laughter, mimicking the way they imagine you must look as you carry out some everyday bodily function. (17) According to Ashcroft, Grifriths, and Tiffin this kind of attack towards the tourist is known as post-colonial abrogation . . . its illusory standard of normative or correct usage, and its assumption of a traditional and fixed meaning inscribed in the words (Byerman, 1995) The ËÅ"nativesâ„ ¢ subject the tourists to ridicule due of stereotypes or assumptions just as North  America (or,  worse, Europe)(Kincaid, 1988,p4) colonised the Antiguans and turned them into objects of ridicule. The ËÅ"nativesâ„ ¢ assume that the tourist is just one type of person. As the tourist watch the ËÅ"nativesâ„ ¢ and their culture as something knew, something entertaining. However, the colonial structure and power is still held by the tourist in their society. The ËÅ"nativesâ„ ¢ can only rebel behind  their  closed doors  [as] they laugh at your [the touristâ„ ¢s] strangeness (7) The Antiguans must still appear deferential despite their anger growing; they must be submissive to the ËÅ"touristâ„ ¢ and assertive secretly. This shows how the ËÅ"touristâ„ ¢ world is the new colony; the Antiguans must respect them to their face in order to get their trade. Kincaid breaks away from the traditional submission by writing and speaking out. She is able to disown the passive female role that is expected of her. In someway it can be argued that the way Kincaid attack on the ËÅ"tourist is not an act of racism but simply exposing the inherent in the colonial culture. What is more, Kincaid discusses how Antiguans experience the passage of time, and history. Antigua is a small place. Antigua is a very small place. In Antigua, not only is the event turned into everyday, but the everyday is turned into an event.(56) Antiguans have a distorted perspective of their lives: the ËÅ"small thingsâ„ ¢ all add up to something larger, and yet the major events of there past are seen as the ËÅ"normâ„ ¢. According to Kincaid, Antiguans are always thinking their slave history and the emancipation. Yet, the ËÅ"small thingsâ„ ¢ are exaggerated into something that appears to be more important, for example,   two people stand  at opposite ends of a street and shout insults at each other at the top of their lungs(56) an inconsequential accident into a years-long feud This event soon becomes everyday(56). Kincaid constant use of the words ËÅ"a small placeâ„ ¢, only stresses the constraints and corruption on Antiguaâ„ ¢s culture. As a ËŠ"small placeâ„ ¢ Antigua has to resort to highlighting the ËÅ"small thingsâ„ ¢ to define themselves against the ËÅ"large placesâ„ ¢ such as North America and Europe. The constant need for recognition of the ËÅ"small thingsâ„ ¢ shows how identity is an important factor within Kincaidâ„ ¢s writing. One of the reasons Kincaid targets the tourist, is that they are a representation of the English colony. English history has been imposed onto the Antigua; they have no identity of their own. Kincaid pities the English and their ruined empire. A tourist does not recognise the unpleasantness of their actions concerning slavery. The streets in which Kincaid she grew up on are named after the English maritime criminals most of whom powered the slave trade, the tourist see these figures as historical heroes. ËÅ"The irony of A Small Place is subtly sustainedâ„ ¢ the use of this irony is emphasised by the use of binary opposition, past and the present vs love and hate. The English culture of their colonial past and its impoverished, corrupt present has lead to a loss of identity and confusion, the Antiguans live in an English Culture and yet cannot say they are English. Kincaid says,   no place could ever really be England, and nobody who did not look exactly like them would ever be English so that you can imagine the destruction of people and land that came from that(24), the Antiguans cannot forget their past because they can only express themselves in the language of those who enslaved and oppressed them. Not only are they English Speaking but it is said that the English ways have corrupted the Antiguans, once they are no longer slaves, once they are free, they are no longer noble and exalted; they are just human beings(81). Kincaid comes to the conclusion that Antigua will forever be in a catch twenty-two situation and it will no longer be a question of the simple attack on the tourist but something much larger. The many corrupt prime misters that have governed Antigua, the fact that they know about the hardships and the corruption has become humiliating and degrading for the people of Antigua to the point that it is fuelling the tourism. The lifestyle and culture of the island is purely alluring for the tourists only corrupting the governments desire to change or improve upon it. The use of the binary oppositions only support Kincaid in her confused state of mind in a mass discourse of generalisation stating that the English love England a nd yet they hate each other, Kincaid does not understand why the tourists come to an island of corruption and trouble, if England is so great. Edward Baugh believes that writers such as Jamaica Kincaid began to be recognised in the mid-twentieth century under the genre ËÅ"Anglophone Caribbean literature. Baugh claims that one aspect to this type of Literature is that The topos of the journey connects conveniently with other major considerations of theme and form in the development ¦ with such issues as history, identity, gender, and language.(Baugh, 2007,p48) Although it could be argued that this is a common factor in all literature, Kincaid does this particularly well, taking the reader on an emotional blame trip exploring a disturbing series of cultural observations directed at a range of targets from plantation owners, business men and globalisation and of course the tourist. Baugh says The significance of the journey as idea, theme, metaphor, motif, and symbol in Caribbean literature arises naturally out of the historical experience of Caribbean people.(48) As a reader, we see Kincaid weave in and out of experience, a voice that uses raw realism. Due to writers such as Kincaid the class structure was able to change the idea of anglio-caribbean by emigrating to North, American or Canada, despite discrimination and disturbing series of cultural observations still being apparent within the Caribbean, writers have finally been given voice to tell their story creating a new concept The Caribbean writer.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Shakespeares Othello - Iago and Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Iago and Othello  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Shakespeare's Othello, the character Iago, Othello's lieutenant, is the cause of all the tragedy which comes to pass as the play progresses. Iago is the antagonist of the play, but rather than being the direct opponent to the tragic hero, Iago is a manipulator, opposing Othello not directly but through other characters whom he tricks into acting for him. In the first scene of the play, Iago gives the audience warning that he is not all that he seems when he says, "I am not what I am." (I,i,65) He is first seen in this scene appearing to help Roderigo, a suitor to Desdemona, who has run off with Othello, the Moorish general of the Venician army. Iago hates Othello for another reason. Instead of choosing him to be his lieutenant, Othello chose Cassio, another foreigner, and relegated Iago to the position of his ancient. When Roderigo asks why Iago continues to serve Othello, in spite of how the general has treated him, Iago replies, "I follow him to serve my turn upon him." (I,i,42) He goes on to give an example of how he intends to serve him, by acting like the perfect servant, while secretly enriching himself, and later says, "In following him, I follow but myself." (I,i,58) From this, one might think that he is still fairly straightforward in his plans, that he merely intends to betray Othello at some later date. However, in the third scene, he shows the audience his ability to manipulate people, when he convinces Roderigo to follow him to Cyprus and to bring all of his money, presumably to win back Desdemona. After Roderigo has left to do what Iago has suggested, Iago says, "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse." (I,iii,37 y9) Later, in Act IV, we find that Roderigo has been giving jewels to Iago to give to Desdemona, which Iago, it is implied, has sold for his own uses. Thus, it is seen that Iago is merely using Roderigo to further his own ends, just as he said he was only serving Othello to serve himself. Also at the end of the third scene, Iago sets for th his plan to take Cassio's position, by telling Othello that his lieutenant ". . . is too familiar with his wife." (I,iii,402) It also comes out in this speech that he suspects Othello of committing adultery with his wife. Shakespeare's Othello - Iago and Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework Iago and Othello  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Shakespeare's Othello, the character Iago, Othello's lieutenant, is the cause of all the tragedy which comes to pass as the play progresses. Iago is the antagonist of the play, but rather than being the direct opponent to the tragic hero, Iago is a manipulator, opposing Othello not directly but through other characters whom he tricks into acting for him. In the first scene of the play, Iago gives the audience warning that he is not all that he seems when he says, "I am not what I am." (I,i,65) He is first seen in this scene appearing to help Roderigo, a suitor to Desdemona, who has run off with Othello, the Moorish general of the Venician army. Iago hates Othello for another reason. Instead of choosing him to be his lieutenant, Othello chose Cassio, another foreigner, and relegated Iago to the position of his ancient. When Roderigo asks why Iago continues to serve Othello, in spite of how the general has treated him, Iago replies, "I follow him to serve my turn upon him." (I,i,42) He goes on to give an example of how he intends to serve him, by acting like the perfect servant, while secretly enriching himself, and later says, "In following him, I follow but myself." (I,i,58) From this, one might think that he is still fairly straightforward in his plans, that he merely intends to betray Othello at some later date. However, in the third scene, he shows the audience his ability to manipulate people, when he convinces Roderigo to follow him to Cyprus and to bring all of his money, presumably to win back Desdemona. After Roderigo has left to do what Iago has suggested, Iago says, "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse." (I,iii,37 y9) Later, in Act IV, we find that Roderigo has been giving jewels to Iago to give to Desdemona, which Iago, it is implied, has sold for his own uses. Thus, it is seen that Iago is merely using Roderigo to further his own ends, just as he said he was only serving Othello to serve himself. Also at the end of the third scene, Iago sets for th his plan to take Cassio's position, by telling Othello that his lieutenant ". . . is too familiar with his wife." (I,iii,402) It also comes out in this speech that he suspects Othello of committing adultery with his wife.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

project proposal :: essays research papers

Proposal Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For this project, I chose to select the option of making an artist’s book. I have always found the portrayal of written words and pictures quite fascinating. Some have each page carefully worked out with decorative motifs varying from page to page. Some have fancy covers or style of binding that screams â€Å"pick-me-up!† But the type of books that fascinate me the most are those that are dedicated to the art of photography. I proposed for this book to be created as a photographic reference towards life. I wanted to create something that had meaning. I wanted it to tell a story, appeal to the eye as well as the mind. I chose to entitle the book ‘ABC’s of Life.’ Yes, I know that sounds kind of cheeseball, but a fancy name wouldn't get the point across.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This book was a challenge I hadn't ever taken part in and it was quite a bit of work. Each page in the book is designed as a black and white polaroid photograph. I wanted to capture the essence of spontaniality that is often found in life. I had to devise a list of words from a-z, each letter representing an aspect of life. For A, anger, an emotion used almost daily now-a-days. B, beauty, for it is seen in the eyes of all women and children. C, compassion, which is sometimes hard to come by, but no doubt in our lives. D, drugs, since we are all faced with them at one point or another. E, exotic, as whatever is one of a kind facinates us. F, fantasy, as we all wish we had something we don't. G, girlfriends, it's what makes worth living. H, hate, an emotion to be reckoned with. I, ironic, as some things are just too odd. J, journey, we are all headed somewhere, right? K, kiss, for when a yummy chocolate kiss makes your day. L, laughter, if we didn't have that we'd a ll be grumpy people. M, majestic, for all the sites you may see along the way. N, nocturnal, as some of us are people of the night. O, oxygen, what we take in every moment of every day. P, passion, it is what can make us whole. Q, questionable, as things aren't always what they appear to be. R, religion, can be what forms a persons life. S, sex, a bond that can unite and destroy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Princess Diana :: essays papers

Princess Diana Throughout her life all eyes were always on Princess Diana. Millions came to identify with her and, when she died, they felt as though they have lost a best friend. More than a year after the sudden end of her privileged but imperfect life, Princess Diana's charity work still motivates many others to donate their own time in hopes to help the lives of others. Through the vigorous fund raising and campaigning, Princess Diana has greatly effected the lives of the patients she has reached out to. The honorable Diana Frances Spencer weighed in at seven pounds, twelve ounces when she was born on July 1, 1961. Her father announced at the time of her birth, she was nothing less than a "perfect physical specimen." She was the third surviving child of her parents. In 1967 her parents, Johnnie and Frances separated, then in 1969 their divorce became final. Johnnie Spencer won custody of their four children(Brennan19). On February 24, 1981, Princess Diana's life changed forever. Her engagement to Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, was announced. They were married in Saint Paul's Cathedral on July 29, 1981. The ceremony was internationally televised. People all over the world tuned into the beautiful day when Princess Diana was married into one of the most powerful families in the world(Encarta). The young Princess of Wales unofficially came of age when she was twenty- six years old, married for nearly six years, and the mother of two young sons. That moment was a turning point in her life because she decided to become involved with AIDS, a subject shunned by "the great and the good" of British society. Overnight, Princess Diana changed from a young mum who liked to shop or listen to pop songs on her Walkman, to a mature young woman who had created a role for herself(Davies260). The metamorphosis came the day in April 1987 when Diana opened Britain's first purpose-built ward for AIDS sufferers, at London's Middlesex Hospital. Many were shocked at the fact that she didn't wear any protective clothing(Davies260). At that time the average Briton knew very little about AIDS. Some believed it could be caught and passed on by touch, kissing, or even hugging someone who was infected. The revelation that a royal, like Princess Diana, the mother of two young sons, one the heir to the throne, had taken such an enormous risk with a deadly disease shocked many people(Brennan88). Many people wondered, and still to this day wonder if it was

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Influence of the Enlightenment

The â€Å"Century of Light,† otherwise known as the Enlightenment brought forth a strong emphasis on Reason and Knowledge. One product of the Enlightenment is the ideas and thoughts of Condorcet. Condorcet's Sketch for a Historical Picture of The Progress of the Human Mind is brought on by his strong belief in the Perfectibility of Humanity. In rational order there are certain principals and laws that the cosmos works under, in rational order there is no change. But Condorcet says that change is progress, and through progress, Humanity can be improved. According to Condorcet, the perfection of Mankind is attainable and for that reason he is impelled to reach it. According to Condorcet and the beliefs of the Enlightenment, Reason, is innate in everyone. It is just a matter of using Education to bring it out to consciousness. Condorcet firmly believes that with proper education, a man can â€Å"judge his own and other men's actions according to his own lights†. (The Tenth Stage, Pg. 182) With reason, a man will also be able to recognize his rights and the power he has with them. He wants that a man will â€Å"not be in a state of blind dependence† (The Tenth Stage, Pg. 182). But one must keep in mind that it is not the goal of education to create a smart-aleck so to speak, but a human being that is capable of Autonomy. And even then, not Autonomy of thought but rather Autonomy of Judgment: â€Å"How one should act†. When a man reaches this state, he is enlightened. He is then a responsible and respectable citizen of society and thus, perfect. To Condorcet, it is simply a matter of proper education that is necessary for such outcomes. Equality is another ideal that Condorcet mentions. Believing in the improvement of society, he questions the beginning of prejudices and divisions within the society, â€Å"are these part of civilization itself, or are they due to the present imperfections of the social art?† (The Tenth Stage, Pg. 174) Condorcet believes that we can progress beyond these imperfections and not only have equality among men, but extend this equality with, â€Å"the complete annihilation†¦between the sexes† (The Tenth Stage, Pg. 193). According to Condorcet, we must reach for equality until mankind is able â€Å"to understand his rights and to exercise them in accordance with his conscience and his creed† (The Tenth Stage, Pg. 174). With this equality Condorcet foresees a society in which pain and misery will not be the norm, but rather the exception to humanity. But to be enlightened is not the sole goal of Europe, for how can a perfect society be reached if so many others are still struggling to find the â€Å"light†? This is why Condorcet tells us in his publication, that it is the job of those that are enlightened to shed light to the others. Foreign countries are referred to as â€Å"obstacles [impeding] this revolution† (the Tenth Stage, Pg. 175). Therefore, the final step in reaching perfection would be to colonize and educate the ‘savages' so that Perfection of Mankind may be finally reached. Colonization is imperative in the eyes of Condorcet, but not for any personal or financial gain. Because the Europeans have ‘found the light' it seems irrelevant for the other countries of the world to go through trial and error to reach this same level of enlightenment. Instead, colonization should take place and the ‘savages' should be transformed from the ‘conquered' into those in ‘tutelage'. In this way, the perfection of Humanity is speeded forward towards completion.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Bead Bar E Commerce

Bead bar is a company which specializes in making beads jewellery for the customers. They have three divisions’ namely studios, franchises and bead bar on board. The E-Commerce site would enable all its customers and employees to collaborate evenly for synchronization of activities and operations. The customers get a chance to design their own jewellery using the beads of different dimension and nature so that it is completely custom-built and inline with their preferences. The employees in turn get all the proposed designs and contact customers for their info and other details.The e-commerce site would arrange for online payments and delivery of ones products safely with ease. E-Business for Bead Bar: Bead bar is expanding its wings in the market and wishes to capture the eyes of the customers at large. Building an e-commerce would make the Bead Bar stores to be in synchronization with resources and would be able to capture the essence of internet. Connecting all its stores a nd departments always forms a crucial portion for sharing information and quickening its operations.An intranet in place would facilitate all the connection of all its departments and divisions but would incur extra costs for getting the large bulk of customers all over the world. It is on a mission to cater its jewellery services to all and decided to make facility for online payments and delivery. The primary component is that the customers must be facilitated to make their own designs and are able to do that at anytime at their own convenience. They are provided with several options to pick and choose several options for making and designing their own product.Furthermore the site would be able to allow purchase options for the clients so that they can order their designed products and purchase it online. Delivery options are also facilitated at the site. Bead Bar can use e-business to market their website in other commercial sites for providing the customers with enough knowledge about their services and facilities it provides. It can cater to the entire world to fetch customers. Its online presence would create an anytime anywhere environment for accessing its services by the customers. Tracking the orders online and updating of inventories would be quite possible for Bead Bar.Time and effort would be capitalized for every customer and employee for making their operations planned, organized and decisive. The customer would also be freed from location dependent problems and Bead Bar in turn would create a world class facility for every customer giving them a feeling that the entire store is for them and they would get equal assistance and status in getting any services from the enterprise. Building an e-business also helps them to cater to large number of customers at the same time with no problems of call-waiting and poor support for orders.The online store would take that all relevant information is put up and make each customer feel that they own the sto re. Technology The technology required for the Bead Bar to become an e-business would require the creation of a website which would bring every resource in one page. The site must envelope all the company details and features which would provide enough background for every service the company is rendering and the striking features which make it unique in the internet marketplace in its own segment.The primary requirement is the creation of website which would include all the web technologies like HTML, DHTML, XML, ASP, JSP, PHP and may others. HTML and DHTML would be required to create the static and dynamic pages respectively. Other technologies like XML, JSP and others would be required for fetching data from a warehouse and provide dynamic updation of information. These are established standards for creating a website. Once the website details are figured out one requires figuring out the entities of the system, both internal and external entities, so that their association is ma pped.Once all the entities are found and decided upon, the properties of the entities are established, meaning their attributes which define the entities. Once the planning and analysis stage is done the association is mapped into a schema diagram and relations are normalized and then inputted into the database. A RDBMS such as DB2, Oracle, SYBASE or any other can be used to create the database. Connecting databases with the site is the next step where PHP and other technologies can be used. The Java technologies and other server technologies are used so that they facilitate making the online payments and delivery information’s (Cooke, 1997).The above discussed technologies would provide enough content to describe and market the company services and features. It would also facilitate necessary dynamic updations, make arrangements for designing their own jewellery and facilitate payment procedures and delivery options. Website traffic Website traffic is defined in the sense of generating clicks on the website and actions taken. It is also taken for the path traveled by the customers in the website. The following can be attributed for making the website traffic smooth and consistent:†¢ Creating publicity in other sites as flash images †¢ Giving promotion offers and discounts †¢ Offering seasonal packages in jewellery by experts †¢ Online support and chat facilities with the experts in design and organization †¢ Offering more options in custom design in terms of other related items and accessories Electronic payment capabilities The online payment capability for the Bead Bar is taken care well in the e-commerce site. The use of secure socket layer (SSL) technology is used for facilitating the secure means of payment and encryption of data.The use of secure connections would make sure that data is exchanged with ease and online databases must be adjusted well in accordance to handling credit card and other financial information of t he customers. Encryption The encryption of the information presented in the website and the handling of financial information for verification and payment is done through the use of encryption techniques so that it is not stolen in the process for malicious intent and the customer is also safe and has no worries for any misuse of information.The financial data is encrypted for changing their content when transferring them to other sites for checking purposes. All such personal data and preferences are also tracked and kept in an encrypted form so that they are not prone to changes or modifications. Conclusion The recommended technological suggestions would make Bead Bar to establish them well in the e-business and make sure customers’ and other agents maintain their level of trust.The usability features would make the site in accordance to the best of standards and make sure that every resource is captured and nurtured well. The web technologies would bring all the divisions of the company on the same page and synchronize all the activities and the life cycle efficiently function. References / Bibliography Cooke, M. (1997). Java e-commerce: technologies for distributed enterprise computing. Lynch, P. & Horton, S. (1999). Web Style Guide, Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

British Management Theory and Practice the Impact of Fayol

Ian Smith, Trevor Boyns, (2005),†British management theory and practice: the impact of Fayol†, Management Decision, Vol. 43 Iss: 10 pp. 1317 – 1334 This paper re-examines the impact of Fayol’s work on theory and practice of management in Britain, first, in the interwar period and second, in the post-war period of 1945 to the late 1960s. Lyndall Urwick, a respected British management thinker and writer described Fayol as â€Å"the most distinguished figure which Europe contributed to the management movement up to the end of the first half of the present century†(Smith I, Boyns T, 2005) in Urwick’s publishes and translated speeches.Urwick supported Fayol’s general principles of management ensuring an influence on post-war British management theories known as the neoclassical school during the 1950s. Fayol’s principles took place among theories within scientific management bundle which offered an intelligent inputs coupled to a genui ne belief in industrial efficiency. Further research into British management practice during that era, Fayol’s influence proved problematic due to the emphasis of British management on pragmatism and narrow focus on control which allowed little, if any, accommodation for Fayol’s model.Twenty years or so after Second World War, Fayol’s impact, especially after Urwick’s intervention, was on management theory however not management practice. Since 1970, the focus of management thinking had turned away from the functions of management towards to understanding management and managing through an examination of what managers do. This article concludes whether Henri Fayol’s contribution is relevant today. This suggests that the history academics realized his work had significantly contributed to the study in management today, and Fayol’s ideas continued to be more influential in the realm of theory than practice in Britain.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fate and Destiny Essay

The Epic of Sundiata is meaningless without the concepts of fate and destiny. When the Mandinka king receives the divine hunter at the royal court, and the hunter predicts that the king’s marriage to an ugly woman would grant him a mighty king for a son; the Mandinka king must honor the prophecy. It is for this reason that the king, before his death, gives to Sundiata – his son born of an ugly woman – a griot. When Sundiata is older, he too believes in the importance of harnessing powers of a supernatural nature (Niane). Prophecies are, of course, made through supernatural powers. Seeing that the kings of the Mandinka people believe in supernatural powers, their subjects must also be believers in the same. Moreover, fate and destiny appear real to the Mandinka people, which is the reason why the prophecy is honored by the king. But, even if most of the Mandinka people do not believe in supernatural powers, the belief system of the king is expected to be superior to that of his people. Belief in prophecy entails that one’s fate is determined, and there is nothing that one can do to change his or her destiny. Prophets are believed because they know the fate and destiny of others. By informing people about their respective fates and destinies, they save their people from being misled. At the same time, however, the concepts of fate and destiny entail that the Mandinka king would have married an ugly woman, with or without the prophecy of the hunter. The king would have had Sundiata, too, regardless of the prophecy. The only useful part about the prophecy was that the king gifted Sundiata with a griot because he knew that Sundiata would be a mighty king in the future. Just as the Epic of Sundiata cannot be understood without reference to fate or destiny, Things Fall Apart focuses on a hero and his community, unable to change circumstances in the face of destiny. Things Fall Apart makes repeated references to chi, a concept that refers to a personal deity that is available to all people to guide them to fulfill their individual destinies. It is impossible for a human being to struggle against the chi, or his or her spirit force. This is the reason why Okonkwo, a courageous and intelligent individual, cannot change his circumstances or that of his community even as things fall apart for everybody except the colonialists (Achebe). In other words, the human being is powerless against the decisions of the chi or his or her personal deity who establishes the fate and destiny of every soul. The personal deity of all people has determined that Okonkwo and his people would suffer, and there is nothing they can do about it (Achebe). Okonkwo is a distinguished leader of a village in Nigeria. He is rich, powerful, brave as well as wise. He has worked hard to achieve his high status in his village. Thus, the village elders choose him to be the guardian of a boy named Ikemefuna, who has been made prisoner by Achebe’s tribe. Okonkwo must keep the boy with him until the Oracle decides otherwise (Achebe). This shows that man has no free will, and that, in fact, fate and destiny are determined by another. Human beings are not even allowed to make decisions by themselves. If they attempt to make decisions by themselves, they must be severely punished, as Okonkwo was. When the village elders decided that Ikemefuna must be killed, Okonkwo went against the advice of the oldest man of the village by killing the boy himself. Subsequently, things started to fall apart for Okonkwo. He accidentally killed another individual at a funeral ceremony. For this act he had to be sent into exile with his family for a period of seven years. After all, he had offended the deities by committing the murder (Achebe). When Okonkwo returned to his village, he struggled for his people against the colonialists. In the end, however, he had to kill himself (Achebe). The forces of change were too strong for him to resist. This reveals that man’s determination, intelligence, and courage have no power over destiny and fate. Even though I believe in fate and destiny, I do not agree with this grim vision of the same. Neither do I trust the fact that man has been rendered powerless by fate and destiny. In my understanding of these concepts, God, who is all-knowing, has written the fate and destiny of all people. His knowledge of all people’s past, present and future is their fate and destiny, in fact. At the same time, He has given unto human beings the power to make decisions for themselves. The Bible confirms this view. Although there is nothing that a human being can do to fight destiny and fate, individuals are free to use their intelligence in the best possible ways. Our use of intelligence – in my belief – is also determined by God. He allows some people to prosper at the expense of others. All the same, in the Biblical sense, such circumstances are a trial from God. He cannot be blamed for giving one man a life of riches, happiness and peace while his brother is poor and living in a violent neighborhood. In the Biblical view, both men are loved by God. However, by severely testing the homeless man, He would like the man to turn to Him in prayer. The rich man, on the other hand, is required to be of help to the poor man. If he does not help his brother, however, God would continue giving him opportunities to do so in future. In this view of fate and destiny, God also knows the people who would go to Heaven as opposed to those who would enter Hellfire for eternity. Even so, I know that people have free will to choose what they would like to do with themselves and where they would like to go. God does not stop us from using our minds to do as we please. But, as I have already mentioned, it is He who ultimately decides what we would think. So, while one man concentrates on spirituality, another spends his entire lifetime thinking about the theory of relativity. It is our personal destiny to think, do, and wish as God pleases. Of course, my understanding of fate and destiny is not the same as that of the Mandinka king or the people of Okonkwo. I do not visit soothsayers, and neither would I believe in all of them. Furthermore, even if it is unfashionable in our times to believe in God and supernatural powers, I continue to believe in fate and destiny. Works Cited Achebe, C. Things Fall Apart. New York: Doubleday & Co. , Inc. , 1994. Niane, D. T. (trans. ). Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali. Harlow: Longman, 2006.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Progress Report - Implementation and Assessment Essay

Progress Report - Implementation and Assessment - Essay Example s, Team Beta identified the control issues from the various discussions at the initial stages, setting out a firm grounding for a collaborative network of dealing with the varied ideas, feelings, opinions, and more importantly, reacting to the responsibilities bestowed upon each member. Paying close attention to Gilley and Gilley (2007) advices, Team Beta took a productive approach to the team members’ differences, fashioning members’ efforts to specific goals set forth by all in a participative process. Now in the third and final phase of the project, the team has acquired a wealth of knowledge and is well on course towards meeting the project’s instructions. Toni, Edgar, Frederick and I have all worked tirelessly, crushing initial targets to render amazing results that have left a smile in every member’s face. With a team spirit already nurtured, we call each other for inquiries, schedule meetings with ease, and/or offer assistance whenever necessary in order to beat the strict deadlines of the project. Having lost one of our members in the initial stages of the project, the reduced number of the group members compared to the other teams was, observably, a straining challenge in terms of additional work load. As the Team’s coordinator, I implemented a benchmarking process, which, though took quite a while to be adopted fully, has generated tremendous progress; a classic case of how a structured coordination is important in delivering group objectives. Team Beta is, however, aware of its shortcomings with regards to effective use of technology, and has since commissioned every member to gather and present to the group any information that might elevate our overall efficiency in this final phase. Indeed as it is, we will not spare even a single minute to reach out to Dr. Holm, a tutor dedicated to service in developing young careers; for what else can one ask for in a lecturer? I look forward to having even greater engagement in shaping a future that I

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Negotiation skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Negotiation skill - Essay Example The events that unfold in the incident begins in 1976 when Thomas K Seligman, the then curator-in-charge of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas for the museum, is informed about the bequeathing. He is shown Mr Wagner’s handwritten will stated that the deceased ‘hoped’ that the museum would pay all costs for settling his estate in return for the priceless murals. Mr Seligman is informed the museum’s lawyer said that this would give rise to certain ethical and legal problems with Mexico, the original source of the murals. A temporary solution was arrived at when Crocker Bank who was in charge of the assets of Mr Wagner and the other legatees agreed that the murals may be kept in the museum until a more permanent solution was arrived at. What follows next is an example of successful international negotiation that was to last for the next ten years. The problem referred to by the lawyer came about because in 1972, four years before the incident, the UNESCO had passed the â€Å"Convention on the. Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property." Its implications were relevant here because it was not sure whether the murals had been on American soil with the permission of the Mexican Government. This was further complicated by a treaty between the Mexican and US Governments called the â€Å"Treaty of Cooperation Providing for the Recovery and Return of Stolen Archaeological, Historical and Cultural Properties between the United States of America and the United Mexican States." The treaty gives special mention to wall art and there is no doubt as to the fact that murals are classified as wall art. Lengthy discussions were done with historians, other museum s and lawyers followed and what ultimately became clear was that no relevant precedents existed. One related incident involved a bronze of Nataraja that once belonged to a temple in South India

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 76

No topic - Essay Example The ideological difference between the Asian drama and the western drama shows a perfectly structured media system in terms of respect for the culture and citizenship as a whole. This research paper explains concepts necessary for understanding of media of globalization and citizenship. Korean Wave (and Korea Herald articles): Korean wave as a global concept plays a very vital role in the understanding of the media of globalization. This is because as a media personality, comparing and contrasting the various views regarding Korean wave as international concept. Significance of the Korean wave additionally brings in the notion of globalization culturally in inter-Asian cultural studies (p.50). Per se, understanding of media of globalization and citizenship requires outstandingly unique and worldly accepted concepts. The Korean Wave presents such uniquely required concepts especially in looking at this cultural media of globalization and citizenship. Korean wave concept liberally presents the concepts of racial proximity, cultural proximity and their limitations. This implies that media of globalization and citizenship is a conglomerate mass media concept which should be an important part of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

OSHA Case Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OSHA Case Summary - Assignment Example Setting standards refers to an act of establishing one or more clear-cut score(s) on a test. The standards constitute informed ideas that are distinct and significant in their applications. An act of setting would include approving, rejecting, adjusting or implementing an action plan. Enforcing standards would mean executing the strategies as laid by the body concerned. Despite the fact that standard setting a purely procedural course, it ideally comprises strategy fabricators, test developers, and capacity experts early ensuring that the test outcomes is convenient and defensible. A proper guideline would suppress any form of unethical or rather unsafe behavior in an organization (Bejar, 2008). A well-structured institution has no room for tolerance of any weird characters within its premises. Training involves a practical application of procedures and theories. In any organization, a leader has a mandate of providing his/her employees with skills that suit their areas of duties. Workers need applied knowledge concerning their fields of actions to avoid committing faults because of insufficient drilling. Training may take a form of seminars and conferences. Trained worker understands all details relating to their working environments. Practical should emphasize safety techniques within and outside the working communities. Whenever an employee undertakes a proper course in his field of services, the chances of falling to injuries become slim. Every human being would need help in one way or the other from another. Employees should learn to appreciate and work as a team with a specific objective of achieving organization’s goals. Once a person inculcates a habit of consultation in areas of difficulties, then ignorance related injuries and unethical actions would reduce drastically. A culture of security comprises of a shared behaviors,

Bipolar and Personality Disorders & Dehydration and Diarrhea Research Paper

Bipolar and Personality Disorders & Dehydration and Diarrhea - Research Paper Example This concern is due to the vulnerability these disorders pose (Lesley, 2009). Symptoms Varied research indicates that close to 20% percent of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder might have experienced Bipolar Disorder at certain intervals (Goodwin, 2009). Like Borderline Personality Disorder on the instability of temper as well as the reluctant effect noted on the conduct of a patient can be found on Bipolar Disorder through inconsistent character of temperamental. Most cases of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder portend incidents of Manic and Hypomanic states. This causes a person to feel very animated and superior or in circumstances of mania the affected person might feel very low and depressed during the episode. Relative NANDA research reports provided that at least 10% of persons affected by other psychological disorders indicated to have bipolar disorder concurrently (Lesley, 2009). For instance, persons suffering from BPD experience grave degrees o f irritability and varied emotions while those affected with Bipolar Disorder exhibit impulsiveness. However, this evidence might not be accurate according to other results and therefore requires that substantial facts be provided in future (Lesley, 2009). Pharmacological intervention Evidence indicates that environmental aspects have significant roles in the development and course of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. Defectiveness in the structure and or performance in certain brain circuits could be a cause Borderline Personality Disorders and Bipolar Disorder (Lesley, 2009). National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (MD MDA) argue that persons experiencing Borderline Personality Disorder Bipolar Disorder exhibit worry and confusion episodes. Such episodes might magnify the sate of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder based on the pattern and length of episodes experienced. For example, aggravation of both ailments might occur in case s where the episode frequency is longer in duration (Lesley, 2009). Treatment A condition of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder are easily treatable due to major advances in contemporary medicine (Lesley, 2009). Applying benefit versus risk for treatment plans. Lithium drug has been identified and certified as an effective medicine that would help patients Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder to overcome their conditions. Experts argue that this drug basically has the capacity to regulate mood disorder caused by frequent episodes. However, there are those who observe that 40% of people who use do not get cured of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. It is claimed that the drug causes grave side-effects that can damage the ability of its users to cope up with pain (Ketter, 2010). Anticonvulsant medicines are best applicable to people who are not contented with the use of Lithium as medication of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bi polar Disorder. Conditions of extreme Mania from the two are treatable by neuropeltic medications (Goodwin, 2009). There is an option of administering Benzodiazpenes neuroleptics. This drug has a lower damaging side effect for patients of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. Teaching patient Interrelations of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder patient require attention from psychoeducational that

Monday, September 9, 2019

Design of an Enterprise Level Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Design of an Enterprise Level Business - Essay Example An Enterprise's need for tighter financial controls1, more consistent data2, support for streamlined sourcing and procurement processes3, a single data source for product or services data4, support for closed-loop sales and operations planning processes5, portfolio approach6 collectively points to the requirement of a software system named Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). It's a comprehensive system capable of breaking down barriers between departments within an enterprise and brings together various pockets such as sales, production, finance, human resources, purchasing and shipping - to unify access to the up-to-date information to produce a consistent, single version of the truth on Talking simply about organisation and its processes isn't understanding them. To get a deeper understanding of the processes, one needs the right information for capturing process detail. It's in the heads of the people who, day in and out, are living the process (Ben B Graham, 2004). This is where Ben Graham process mapping methods steals the picture. The symbols used call attention to value-added work, non-value-added work, work inspections (controls), movement of work from one location to another and delays (when nothing is happening). No other mapping technique provides such a transparency, decision making support and support for analysis that is provided by Ben Graham Process Map. Another such is the 'IDEF' methodology (Integrated DEFinition language). It frees the process from arguing about process modelling taxonomies. IDEF suite provides functional, information, data, process, object oriented and ontology modelling to map business processes. The 'BPMN' (Business Process Mode lling Notation) provides a set of graphical elements, Swimlanes is most popular among them, which facilitates the developers in implementing the technology that will perform those processes. For a close comparison, Graham stands taller than the rest (See figure 1). Documenting the design requires a right tool. It should provide clarity without being overly simplistic and provide detail without clutter. There are a lot of flowcharting tools which provide symbol sets but unless it's wrapped in a methodology, it's of no use. The 'Process Developer Enterprise Edition' is a mapping tool for internal activity, flowchart mapping and document control. It helps an organization to meet ISO 9000:2000 standards. Another very useful tool is the 'FlowBreeze Flowchart Software'. It is 100% MS Office integrated tool for making flow charts faster and easier. It lets you just type the text and converts it into flowchart shapes, adds flow lines, and formats the drawing. It is in accordance with Sarbanes Oxley. The 'Stylus Studio XML' Enterprise Edition is another mapping tool with IDE features, XML Editing, Debugging, Testing, Graham vs IDEF vs BPMN Features G I B Displays All the Items that are involved in the process / detailed Shows step by step processing at the task level- the work people do Shows processing at a function level Shows relationships between items Shows multiple related flows Displays single-line flow Identifies WHO

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Digital Evidence and Social Media Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Digital Evidence and Social Media - Article Example The case of Governor Chris is one where digital evidence served to show his vengeance against the mayor of the city. In the case, emails were released as prove that Governor Chris did orchestrate massive traffic issues in Fort Lee in New Jersey. The incident was an act of retribution that had some political connections. The release of the emails as that were evident as part of the investigations about the allegations did spiral into a major political scandal because of the weight of credibility that they carry. In dealing with digital evidence, it is noteworthy to know that electronic activities leave a sequence of footprints (Kizza, 2010). Therefore, it is very easy too although trying to find some specific evidence may seem quite laborious because of the volumes involved. In the case of Governor Chris, he used emails in order to plan his revenge activities. The incident led to the closure of access lanes leading to a massive traffic jam. Although the port authority managed to justify the decision by claiming that it was conducting a traffic study, the latter justify the incident. There was the retrieval of the emails used to make the orchestrations sent directly from the Governor and they formed the basis of filing a scandal against him. When working with digital evidence, no doubt one has to ensure a lot of care because the evidence is very volatile. The previewing and acquiring of data may potentially disturb the data to the extent of changing its status thus causing some doubts concerning his credibility. Therefore, one has to follow some logical steps in order to ensure that the evidence is intact (Kizza, 2010). In the case against Governor Chris, Wildstein did provide a number of emails that Chris’s staff sent to state lawmakers’ panel that was investigating the closures.  

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Online Rentl Industry Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Online Rentl Industry - Coursework Example The Netflix business mdel is n rgnized rent f DVD dvertised thrugh Internet nd delivered thrugh the pstl mil. Te key drivers re the number f custmers, custmer qulity, prduct csts nd fulfilment csts. Despite such gret ccmplishments f Netflix Cmpny, it permnently meets huge cmpetitin n the mrket f nline rent DVD. With such lrge cmpetitin hlding the resurces t munt strng, enduring ttcks ginst Netflix, lng with the ever-chnging mvie nd entertinment industry, Hstings, funder nd CE f nline rentl pineer Netflix, is fced with the chllenge f hw t sustin Netflix's grwth nd determine the best wys t respnd t the cmpetitin. Current study ims t discuss the cmpetitin n the mrket f nline rentl industry. It prticulrly discusses the key chrcteristics f Netflix's cmpetitive psitin nd gives n evidence f hw the cmpny stnds the strng rivlry. In the first prt f the pper I will ssess the cmpetitin in DVD industry. Using Prter's Five Frces Mdel f Cmpetitin I will define the kinds f cmpetitive frces tht currently fce Netflix. In prticulr, I will prvide n nlysis f reltinships between Netflix, Blckbuster, Vide nd Wl-Mrt. The externl envirnment f n rgniztin cmprises f the mves nd the strtegies dpted by its cmpetitrs. It ls tkes int ccunt the chnges in the generl ecnmy nd ther sci-culturl fctrs. It is impertive fr the rgniztin t precisely study its externl envirnment nd strtegize ccrdingly t gin cmpetitive dvntge. T this effect, the rgniztin uses vrius nlyticl tls. Prter's Five Frces Mdel f Cmpetitin is ne such tl. This prt f the pper exmines this tl nd discusses sme strtegies t cunter the frces previling in the externl envirnment. fmus ecnmist Prter hs intrduced the mdel tht represents the cmprehensin f certin frces tht ltgether utline the min chllenges f cmpetitin. Drwing frm micrecnmic thery, Prter identified five frces (expnded t six by mny bservers) tht influence the bility f ll plyers within n industry t set prices nd s mke prfit. The pttern f frces bth shpe n industry nd cnstrin firms strtegic chices within the industry, but industry structure is subject t chnge s the wider envirnment, the frces themselves, nd the firms' strtegies chnge. Here's the picture: Belw is detiled discussin f ech frce in reference t Netflix cmpny. Bsiclly, the strnger frce, the mre it limits the industry firms' bility t set prices nd mke prfits. Strng frces re threts becuse they re likely t reduce prfits. Wek frces re pprtunities becuse they llw firms chnce t ern greter prfits. INTENSITY F RIVLRY MNG EXISTING CMPETITRS When speking but cmpetitive psitin f Netflix in DVD industry, it is needed t sy tht it remins few steps hed f its clsest cmpetitr. Hwever, tht des nt men tht

Friday, September 6, 2019

Japanese Fishing Industry Essay Example for Free

Japanese Fishing Industry Essay The fishing industry in Japan is considered to be one of the several primary industries along with other sectors such as agriculture and forestry. These sectors employed about one-third of the Japanese population and also provides food for millions of Japanese people. Japan has one of the largest numbers of fishing boats compared to other countries. Many people residing in villages that lie along the Japanese coast have fishing as their main occupation. The Japanese fishermen tend to fish in shallow sea waters. Most of the village fisherman own small boats and function independently. The coastal fishing occupation adopted by traditional Japanese fishermen tends to supply about a quarter of the fish required by the country. Offshore fishing provides more than 50% of the fish and deep-sea fishing provides about 25 to 30% of the fish required by the country. Large Japanese fishing corporations employ thousands of Japanese fishermen, use modern ships, and utilize sophisticated fishing techniques. These ships can hold more than 100 tons of fish, compared to 10 tons carried by local fishermen. Most of the fish caught by the Japanese fishermen and fishing corporations tend to be consumed by the local population. Besides deep sea fishing and costal fishing, the Japanese also harvest fish from fresh water (such as lakes and rivers) and also breed fishes in fish and shrimp farms. Fishing as an occupation was taken up by 1. 5% of the Japanese population. This figure declined to 0. 4% in 2000. Ever since the severe energy crisis in 1973, the deep-sea fishing industry in Japan has seriously suffered. In the 1980’s, the offshore fishing industry experienced a number of up and downs. The Japanese demand for imported fish has increased in recent years (it was 3. 1 million tons in 1999 and rose to over 5 million in 2002). The country is trying to meet a 10 million ton demand annually. 2. Describe the cultural significance of fish to the Japanese society. Fish forms a very important part of the Japanese cuisine. About 70 kgs of fish is being consumed by one Japanese individual in a year. Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that contains fillings made of seafood. The fish meat may be raw, cooked, marinated or blanched. Vegetables, mushrooms, rice, eggs and even meat form an important part of the dish. Japanese restaurants that dispense Sushi through conveyor belts have become popular. Sushi is placed in a color-coded plate to suggest the rate. Sushi had been originally developed as a process of preserving seafood. There are more than ten to fifteen thousands restaurants in Tokyo that serve Sushi. Usually fresh fish is used to prepare Sushi, as it is consumed raw. The Japanese have also begun to domestic various varieties of fish especially the Koi for ornamental purposes. The tattoos and designs on the Koi fish are considered to be lucky in Japan. Traditional Japanese gardens contain ponds with a number of Koi fish in them. 3. Give statistics of amount of fish consumed, harvested. Over fishing? Fish is considered to be a staple diet of the Japanese, and a source of proteins. Fish has traditionally been a Japanese dish, and the UN-FAO considers that the Japanese consume about 30% of the World’s fish. In fact, the most fish consumed by any country in the world is Japan. The per capita consumption of fish per individual is about 70 kgs. Some of the fish commonly consumed by the Japanese include bright-red sea bream (kinmedai), swordfish, tuna, shark, sardines, mackerels, sperm whale, shell fish, squid, scallops, octopus, puffer fish, shrimp, etc. The Japanese fishing industry collect about 10 million metric tons of fish every year (1992). China catches about 17 million metric tons of fish every year, but that is because it is the most populated country in the World. In 1984, the catch of fish peaked at about 13 million metric tons, but dropped to half that number (6. 4 million metric tons) in 2000. In recent years, fish caught close to the Japanese coasts have been found to be contaminated with toxic substances. Besides, the catch of fish is also decreasing. The Japanese health ministry in fact has warned Japanese pregnant women to reduce consumption of fish. The Japanese feel that commercial whaling should be permitted due to these developments (commercial whaling has been banned since 1986). The demand of fish has decreased in Japan, and the rates have fallen by over 40%, because the people fear consuming fish. The Japanese consider survey demonstrating the quantity of mercury and other poisonous substances present in the fish. 4. Give examples of issue’s Japan has with it neighbors about fishing rights. The Japanese have several issues regarding rishing with their neighbors, such as China, Korea and Russia. The main problem lies in the fact that the Japanese consume about a third of the World’s fish harvested. The demand in the domestic market is so high that it has become a common practice to trespass upon the fishing territories of other countries. The Sea of Japan is considered to be an active fishing zone by Korea and Japan. The UN convention adopted a Sea Law in 1994, which provided an exclusive economic zone of 200-nautical miles to each country, and sovereignty over 12-nautical miles. The imaginary border lines in the sea between both the countries had been ignored, and hence triggered off serious fishing competition in the 1990’s. The natural fishing resources were so extensively exploited such that it could not be restored. The fishing agreement between the Japanese and the Koreans (1965) was being eliminated in 1998, after the UN developed its ‘Laws of the Sea’. International ties were being ruined between both the countries because they had destroyed the natural resources. The issue had to be urgently sorted out before the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Both countries agreed to follow the 135 degrees East longitude as the boundary. They also agreed to reduce the number of ships and the amount of fish caught in their neighbor’s exclusive zone.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Timed Efficient Stream Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA)

Timed Efficient Stream Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA) When considered as a security solution for ADS-B, asymmetric-key encryption has two major drawbacks. The first issue is that current asymmetric-key schemes have no compact encryption implementations, and would result in an increase of the transmitted ADS-B message length. The second problem is that unique encrypted ADS-B messages would be required for each recipient. To maintain a fully-connected network of n nodes would necessitate (n2 à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ n) unique broadcasts rather than n in the current system [15], which obviously does not scale well as the size of the network increases. As a possible answer to these two drawbacks, Costin et al. [3] have suggested what they term a lightweight PKI solution. In the lightweight PKI approach, node A transmits its digital signature over n messages, so that after every n messages, the surrounding nodes have received As digital signature. The recipients keep the messages until the entire digital signature has been transmitted and they can authenticate the buffered messages. The authors suggest that the PKI key distribution necessary for this scheme could be done during an aircrafts scheduled maintenance cycle [13]. A security scheme called Timed Efficient Stream Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA) is a variation on traditional asymmetric cryptography that has been proposed for use on broadcast networks [19], [20]. With TESLA, senders retroactively publish their keys which are then used by receivers to authenticate the broadcast messages. A broadcasting node produces an encrypted message authentication code (MAC) which is included with every message. After a designated time interval or number of messages, the key to decrypt the senders MAC is published. Listening receivers who have buffered the senders previous messages can then decrypt the messages that were broadcast. When applied to ADS-B, this technique imposes a time delay on the broadcast due to the need to buffer messages, but it provides integrity and continuity of messages sent over the network. TESLA is an adaption of the TESLA protocol designed for use on wireless sensor networks. The TESLA protocol requires nodes in the network to be loosely time synchronized, with each node having an upper bound on the maximum clock synchronization error. As discussed earlier, asymmetric encryption schemes have high computation and communication overhead, which limit their usefulness as security approaches on the bandwidth-constrained ADS-B network. The TESLA protocol overcomes this problem by employing asymmetric-key encryption through a delayed disclosure of symmetric keys, which results in an efficient broadcast authentication scheme. When one considers the bandwidth and interference limitations on the ADS-B frequency channel, the TESLA design adaptations identify this protocol as a viable scheme for providing security in ADS-B. However, there are two obstacles to applying TESLA to ADS-B. The primary issue is that, while sufficiently good time synchronization could be provided via GPS, it would require modification to the protocol to accommodate the GPS timestamp field. The second problem is that in order for TESLA to be used for verifying the identity of a network node, it needs to be reinitialized which leaves it susceptible to memory- based DoS attacks. In spite of these drawbacks, TESLA is a promising security scheme for integrating into ADS-B. B. Aircraft Address Message Authentication Code The cryptographic solutions PKI and TESLA both have shortcomings in that they require modifications to the current ADS-B protocol. The Aircraft Address Message Authentication Code (AA-MAC) security solution utilizes a standard hash algorithm such as MD5 or SHA and a secret authentication key to perform message integrity [21]. The AA-MAC message source integrity scheme would require a slight modification to the existing protocol in that it would replace the current Aircraft Address (AA) field with the MAC, but the ADS-B message is otherwise unchanged. The AA-MAC approach proposes a different aircraft identification strategy, assigning a unique identifier to each aircraft that is good for the duration of a particular flight. As with PKI cryptographic approaches, the distribution of the secret key presents challenges for AA-MAC. Since MAC requires just one key which is used to uniquely identify a sender on the network, the simplest approach would be to distribute the secret key only whe n an aircraft intends to enter the air traffic control system and ADS-B network. The purpose here is to demonstrate a compatible security scheme that will mitigate threats posed by message injection and modification attacks, which are among the most critical vulnerabilities in the current ADS-B implementation. While AA-MAC does not provide data integrity, it is highly compatible with the existing 1090ES protocol and can be implemented at low cost relative to other security proposals, offering a feasible partial security solution for ADS-B. 4.1.2. Non-Cryptographic Schemes As we have seen, cryptographic security schemes are difficult to implement in a way that are not compatible with the existing infrastructure, primarily due to the problem of key distribution and management. Non-cryptographic approaches to network security avoid the challenge of key management and instead involve either some form of fingerprinting on the physical layer, or a frequency modulation scheme such as spread spectrum. A. Fingerprinting Schemes such as fingerprinting encompass various methods for authentication and identification, either based on hardware or software imperfections or characteristics of the frequency channel which are hard to replicate. Identifying signatures for legitimate nodes on the network provides data useful for the implementation of systems to detect network intrusions [22]. Software-Based Fingerprinting schemes attempt to isolate distinct characteristics of the software operating on network equipment. The development teams for different network equipment manufacturers often take widely varied paths when implementing software on a given device. These differences can be cataloged and later exploited to tell apart dissimilar network devices, and can be used to verify their continuity up to a certain degree. Hardware-Based Fingerprinting approaches seek to identify and catalog unique network hardware differences. Some of these differences can be used for radiometric fingerprinting, which takes advantage of differences in the modulation of a radio signal to catalog unique device signatures. Clock skew is another identifiable hardware feature that can be used to establish uniqueness between wireless devices. Since no two clocks are perfectly synchronized, time difference can be used to create signatures and enable identification. A third category of fingerprinting is Channel/Location-Based Fingerprinting. This fingerprinting method tries to exploit natural characteristics of the communications channel. Various approaches utilizing received signal strength (RSS), channel impulse response (CIR) and the carrier phase have shown that this can be a viable alternative to more traditional authentication and verification measures.