Thursday, December 19, 2019

Walt Disney s Core Competency - 2062 Words

Walt Disney The Walt Disney is a world leading company for the entertainment of all especially families; it is also a media enterprise with different business segments. The main five business segments are studio entertainment, parks and resorts, media networks, consumer products and interactive media. Walt Disney’s original main competence was only animated movies and cartoons. By combining Imagineering with engineering Disney’s company reached supreme success with the formation of the first full length animated movie. This success led to new dreams and ideas, one of them was to open a park, a different kind of park. In Disneyland Walt used new technology to bring his characters to life. He called them â€Å"Animatronics†. (Magical Kingdoms, July 2008). With inimitable storytelling and high excellence of service Walt Disney created a magical setting for his guests which none of the competitors could quite duplicate. This then became as said Walt Disney’s core compete ncy. The park has a lot of good reasons behind it’s everlasting success one of them reason being that they have such a good team working behind closed doors to name at least two there’s the human resources team and technology team. The human resources team at Walt Disney partner with different business to develop different strategies specific to each segment. They are also there providing innovative business solutions all over the world in the work environment all of this to promote nothing but success. Working withShow MoreRelatedStrategies For Competing International Markets931 Words   |  4 Pagesfast expanding world economy does offer the Walt Disney companies an opportunity and the companies in the entertainment industries have a higher competitive threat domestically as well as globally which drives them to come up with an international strategy to enter into the foreign market to expand their business. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resource Management Workers and Management

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Workers and Management. Answer: Introduction The report delves in application and implication of Human Resource Management through a comprehensive analysis of Constructive relation at Top Trucking Company. At the outset, it is imperative to learn that Human Resource is a process which helps the organization to collate its various resources and channelize them in a productive direction. The report would try to portray the importance of Human Resource Management in a rather hostile and challenging environment, its practices, models, and theories applied in various situations. The further segments mention different facets of behavior, labor laws regarding workers union in transport. The report critically evaluates the given case study which highlights the workplace practices as formulated by the organization aimed to augment coordination along with productivity amongst the workers and the management. The important role played by the firms management in keeping with the risk along with adaptableness to such changes in the domain. Detailed analysis Human Resource Management and its Role HRM is an approach used by various organizations wherein the most important resource, that is human capital is diligently sourced, managed and allocate din the requisite area. The HR management in the trucking organization is in a transition phase. The factual reality is Wollongong yard was famous and high performing entity in the domain with a rather unreceptive manager. The yard was receiving positive reception and the significant contributor was the firms union delegate George Psaros (Askenazy Forth, 2016). The transitional phase of the organization has been witnessed by him, and Psaros has given his support to the union staffers as well as management. The firm was a difficult place to work because of the hostile attitude of the manager. The management of the firm was disinclined to fund the firms infrastructure and hence was acquired by a transport entity. The firm as per the older scheme of management was encountering various challenges relating to the attitude and whims of the manager. The manager was reluctant to accept others point of view which reflected in the unwillingness of the transport drivers to accept the change as well. Post acquisition, the new management induced numerous changes in the given model along with work place practices within the parlance of the organization (Child, 2015). Model of Human Resource The organization in question introduced Harvard Framework within the ranks of the firm. This framework suggests that the line managers are required to agree to more duties and responsibilities in consonance of responsibilities to ensure appropriate harmonization of competitive strategies and personal policies. The theory suggests that these guidelines are meant to govern the development of personal actions and its execution and also how they could be likened to the organizational objectives. This theory stresses on the fact that resources are the primary stakeholders barring shareholders and consumers. The framework creates a basis of diverse human resources policies, namely, HR management model in selection, recruitment, and appraisal and promotion facet of the employee within the firm. On the other hand, employee influence deserves special mention which deals over delegating authority and responsibility to the employees. Furthermore, work system entails over managing and designing workflow among the resources alongside system of Reward which is maintained through encouraging the employee with recognition and rewards (Oliver, 2016). Application of the model The management implemented Harvard Framework system which states resources as their prime focus and adopted various organizational practices for the creation of a productive environment for them. However, the major challenge in this regard was their manager who upheld his autocratic behavior and refused to accept the new assessment. The following divisions discuss paradigm shift in policies and approach of the organization. Appointment of new Manager: As an essential part of the Human Resource flow, the management of the firm allotted a new manager to look after the proceedings who is well versed of the conflict and past behavior that exist between the union and earlier manager. The new entrant exerted an open-minded approach and invited and considered new ideas and standpoint of the staffers in various occasions (Pick et al., 2015). The selection of new manager was performed in keeping with his competence to deal with antagonistic trade union members as well as their delegate George who had spent substantial years in the system. The new manager preferred to initiate in a discourse with the drivers instead of blaming others. He tried to probe into issues rationally and delegated the responsibilities to the resources based on the competencies. Training and development: The staffers along with the drivers of the firm and union delegates were based on the organization for an extensive time. It was imperative for the management to foster and cultivate their talent. This would help to develop knowledge and new skills introduced in the organization. Thus the manager commenced development program and initiatives along which concerned training for drivers for customer service department and technical aspects (Klimkeit Reihlen, 2016). Infrastructure change: The new scaffold under the newly appointed manager was eager to invest in the companys infrastructure. The management was contemplating buying of new transport equipment and trucks. Here, it is important to note the difference of stance between the new manager and erstwhile manager who are rigid in his approach. Also, the management spent considerable funds on buying a uniform for all the drivers of the organization. Furthermore, it invested in a new computer system in the yard's warehouse. Now, all these changes in the ranks and system of the entity were unaccepted by the workers in the first go. They were apprehensive about the overhaul of the organization. Later they realized that the company was heading towards betterment and thus welcomed the change (Urtasun-Alonso et al., 2014). Hygiene and safety: The staffers of the firm are subjected to work under trying conditions. Hence, it is necessary that the resources were kept in good stead to perform well. The newly appointed manager kept working to bring improvement of health and safety for the workers. In keeping with the vision, the management also spent a significant amount of money to create hygienic working conditions which included cleaning of the premises, etc. for the staffs (Johnstone Wilkinson, 2016). Risk in sustaining of the changes made The function of Human Resource Management is to manage the challenging task of moving to a new organization or a separate new level within the same organization. The shift may at times, be construed as a part of career growth or financial improvement as expected by the resources of the organization. As far as this case is concerned, George and the manager was an important resource to the firm. The manager was consigned to the challenging role, and he attained that. On the other hand, George was already a veteran in the system having received no promotions in the past (Bortolotti et al., 2015). Thus losing any one of the two resources may have a detrimental effect on the different work flows inside the organization. For a better understanding, the different risks associated are enumerated below. The risk of incomplete task: There may be a hazard of the incomplete task, if the firms key resources move on as designed by George or the manager for the firms benefit. Both of them are well settled in the enterprise by now and also their movement may hurt the course of action as planned by the organization. Deficiency in confidence: In a labor union group, the representative of the union demands confidence and high respect of the workers over him. The action and movement of the union representative may create issues unsettled and not communicated to the appropriate channel on time. George being at the helm of affairs for a long time had built a good rapport with various workers in the organization. Now with him, being replaced by a blue collar worker may trigger dearth of confidence among employees of the firm as they may have issues while communicating with the new manager (Stewart, 2016). A sense of insecurity: Any new system when implemented comes with a sense of security in the entire system. The manager who was somewhat new to the system did his best to win over the employees and staffers of the organization. He is trying out various options to exert efficiency into the firm. The actions and movement may cause discontentment among the employees regarding the future growth of the organization (Delery Gupta, 2016). Unprejudiced communication ploy: The manager possessed a habit of sharing information with the drivers. This included the yards performance and other important facets. This new concept was unique and called for greater coordination with each other. The new manager was straightforward in his communications and kept that simple and unbiased which made it easier for everyone to decipher the outlook of the management (Bacon et al., 2013). Retention of employees is a vital cog in the parlance of HRM. It aims to reinstate the best talent within the organization. The rationale behind this is new entrants require more time and costs to be trained and included within the organization. It may risk the productivity to some extent. However, there may be a plethora of reasons that may be responsible why a person may introspect of moving within the organization, by and large. The reasons could be mainly, the dissatisfaction of the resources within the ranks of the organization, compensation issues, opportunities to work for a challenging project, crave for higher positions or designation, to name a few (Bingham, 2016). Adaptability of changes in workplace; Blue Collar Union The HRM literature states that workers based with transport companies are well adaptive towards various changes that occur in the workplace. This is in stark contrast to service and public sector. The blue collar union is termed as a union of workers working in the capacity of, fire fighters, drivers, and others. The Blue-Collar workers are mainly manual workers with a lower rate of education and literacy hailing from their own social and economic background. Normally, they have no authority or associate with decision-making (Clegg et al., 2015). The workers have union protection along with job security by various labor legislations, mainly, Industrial Disputes Act. The blue collar staffers can be categorized among those who are manually skilled. They are paid on an hourly basis depending on the structure of the work. Workers belonging to this group are concerned about the union rather than management and operations of the organization. These set of workers are recruited in productio n based firms where they have minimal interaction with the management. In some nations, the blue collar personnel is paid much more than white collar resources (Bailey Peetz, 2015). The employee based in service or public sector is categorized among professionals regarding their professional and academic experiences. They have a professional qualification which provides support to their compensation and job role designated in the organization. These resources have meager union support, and subsequently, their participation with the union is least. They may be deemed as white collared staffers who work for service and public sector in an organization (Hislop, 2013). In this case, the management has the authority to bring changes as they performed in top trucking company in consultation with the manager. The union may agree to it with the minimal scope of negotiation accessible. The flip side of the proposition is people working in public and service sector can exert more influence over policy making decisions. Hence, the union transport staffers adapt to the changes in the workplace in a more accommodating manner than those who are based with private or service s ectors (Cho Poister, 2013). Conclusion As per the case study investigation, on top trucking organization, the report consists of Harvard Framework which would be immaculate to refurbish the management of the organization by initiating various workplace changes within the firm. The replacement of the manager, uniforms, channels of communication, and training for all the resources is focusing mainly on the drivers. The important resources responsible for the success of trucking organization can be attributed to the introduction of the new line manager and union delegate Georges involvement in the scheme of things. Job retention deserves special mention which aims to the restoration of best resources within the firm. This motive is aimed to avoid risk. In fine, the conclusion is drawn based on blue collar worker classification concerning skill set, wage disparity and proximity to the management. Reference list Askenazy, P., Forth, J. (2016). Work Organisation and Human Resource Management: Does Context Matter?. In Comparative Workplace Employment Relations (pp. 141-177). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Bacon, N., Wright, M., Ball, R., Meuleman, M. (2013). Private equity, HRM, and employment. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 27(1), 7-21. Bailey, J., Peetz, D. (2015). Australian unions and collective bargaining in 2014. Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(3), 401-421. Bingham, C. (2016). Employment Relations: Fairness and Trust in the Workplace. Sage. Bortolotti, T., Boscari, S., Danese, P. (2015). Successful lean implementation: Organizational culture and soft lean practices. 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Organizational practice transfer within a transnational professional service firm: the role of leadership and control. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(8), 850-875. Oliver, D. (2016). Wage determination in Australia: The impact of qualifications, awards and enterprise agreements. Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(1), 69-92. Pick, D., Teo, S. T., Tummers, L., Newton, C. (2015). Advancing knowledge on organizational change and public sector work. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(4). Stewart, P. (2016). The Negotiation of Change in the Evolution of the Workplace towards a New. Teamwork in the Automobile Industry: Radical Change or Passing Fashion?, 236. Urtasun-Alonso, A., Larraza-Kintana, M., Garca-Olaverri, C., Huerta-Arribas, E. (2014). Manufacturing flexibility and advanced human resource management practices. Production Planning Control, 25(4), 303-317.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

saturdayjournal Essays - Exploration, Exploration Of North America

Two of the discoveries the Wilkes expedition brought about were a new species of sea turtles and weapons from the Fiji people. The expedition was known as the Wilkes expedition that charted unknown islands, and discovered Anartica. "The collections of the USXX became the foundations for the Smithsonian Museum" (0:30). It was a four year round the world expedition that mapped hundreds of islands and mapping the coastline of Anartica. Since it was an U.S funded expedition, the captian treated the expedition as a military expedition and thus they planted the American flag at there numerous checkpoints where they were going. Since the expedition was four years, it took a lot or resources to make possible. The scientist needed the right equipment and also the crew needed food and water to last for the voyage. To get the turtles, the scientist would have faced problems in getting them back safely alive to analyze. At the time of the expedition, the scientists did not realize that they sea turtles were any different. It was not until they got back to the United States did they realize that they had a new species of sea turtles. Another maritime discovery made by the Wilkes expedition was Anartica. When they were going on the trip they inadvertently discovered Anartica. Since they did not know that there was another continent, they did not know what to expect. They eventually mapped out the coastline of Anartica which was a major moment for science in the United States. The discoveries altered the plans because the United States did not realize there was more land to be discovered. The expedition found Anartica and the project of the Ocean-Space was going to be in the area where Anartica was discovered at. This not only changed the plans, but the United States stopped pursiing it. Expeditions are not only important for science, but also for countries that sponsor these expeditions. Maritime discoveries are crucial for people to want to learn more about the sea. If a co untry knows more about the sea than another country than they will have advantages. The United States expedition was also considered a military expedition as well so as the people were traveling and making discoveries, the military portion of the expedition involved the United States putting there flags down in the areas in which they had traveled to. This shows other people that the United States have been and explored the area and it shows people that the United States is powerful. This helps the identity of the United States because it shows that it does not have a limit of range in its influence. The United States is always trying to expand, since that is in the DNA of humans.