Monday, February 24, 2020

Application Nursing Care and Practice for patients with Irritable Essay

Application Nursing Care and Practice for patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Essay Example The scope of nursing further identifies functions such as provision of care, educative roles, counseling, administration, and clinical specialist services. Proper background of health issues is fundamental to a practicing nurse and such knowledge bases as causes of a health problem, its symptoms, and preventive and control measures are therefore necessary for a practicing nurse. This paper demonstrate this competence through exploration of irritable bowel syndrome, its signs, symptoms, and causes, medical and alternative interventions, nursing care assessment and considerations in acute care settings, and plans for community follow up and support systems for management of irritable bowel syndrome. Signs, symptoms, and causes of IBS Irritable bowel syndrome is symptomatic, offering a basis for prediction among the public and diagnosis by care personnel. The primary symptom of the syndrome is pain in the victim’s abdomen. ... A slight variation in either direction may initiate discomfort wile extremely lower or higher changes in movements may lead to extreme levels of pain. Observable changes are also made on stool that may be adverse and change with variations in bowel motions. Some cases of irritable bowel syndrome report loose stools that worsen to be more watery while others report harder stools that normally experienced by patients. A number of secondary symptoms also exist to suggest existence of the syndrome. The loose or watery stool may be experienced frequently to define diarrhea, more tat three watery stools per day, and may be associated with sudden need for bowel movement. Frequent hard stools in a week are another secondary indicator of the syndrome and victims may have trouble with bowel movement. Another symptom is the â€Å"feeling that a bowel movement is not complete† and this may lead to longer periods of trying to pass out stool (Digestive, 2012, p. 1). Other symptoms are †Å"passing mucus† and â€Å"abdominal bloating† (Digestive, 2012, p. 1). The symptoms must however have been reported for a minimum of three days in a month in order to suggest existence of irritable bowel syndrome in a patient. The exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not yet ascertained but many health complications are believed to initiate the syndrome, either individually or collectively. â€Å"Brain-gut signal problem,† impaired coordination between the brain and nerves in the small intestines is one of the factors. Coordination between the brain and the nerves regulate the intestines’ functionality and poor coordination initiates variation in movements towards changed bowel behavior and associated pain (1). Complications with gastrointestinal

Saturday, February 8, 2020

To evaluate the feasibility of a Thai restaurant in Brighton that Essay

To evaluate the feasibility of a Thai restaurant in Brighton that promotes healthier eating - Essay Example The Phenomenological approach studies the life experiences of an individual and derives meaning from them. The realism approach believes that the truth exists independent of human existence, and can be experienced through our experiences and sensations. On the other hand, the Positivism ideology states that the facts that can be scientifically and objectively verified are the only one we should be able to trust. Given that this study wishes to evaluate the desires and opinions of a large group of people, it was believed the Positivist research would serve best in this case. The use of objective data – gathered using an empirical perspective – makes the process more verifiable and thus, valid. It also controls for biases that we may have that could lead us astray in making our decisions. There are a number of approaches to research, and each brings a number of techniques to the table. The decision to use an objective method instead of a subjective one (quantative data instead of qualitative) may be based on the fact that the questions asked by this study pertained to the general opinion of a large group; and not the detailed opinions of a few individuals. Numerical data is more representative of a large population that qualitative data. This is a Deductive study, i.e. – one that verifies the facts in a given condition. This is in contrast to the other option of conducting an inductive study, which would be useful when developing theoretical concepts based on scientifically proven facts. Research strategy   It is proposed that potential clientele be extensively surveyed in order to evaluate the need and demand for a restaurant serving healthy Thai food in Briton. The target population is individuals in the age group of 15-54 years who are primary decision makers when choosing an eating out destination. It was decided that this population be surveyed for their opinions. The process of a Survey was used in order to pick up the specific opinions of a large number of people and analyse the trends thereof (Stangor, 2010). According to the NHS (2009), this consists of approximately  153,000 people. Thus, a minimum sample size of a 100 respondents was chosen in a bid to gain some extent of representativeness. Systematically chosen respondents were chosen and encouraged to fill out the survey form (Kerlinger, 1986). They were given a description of the reasons for conducting the study, and were assured of the value of their inputs. Those respondents who were reluctant w ere not pressed, and the researcher passed on to interview the next chosen respondent. Data thus collected was analysed statistically to verify that any trends seen were not due to chance in order to draw conclusions (McBurney, 1996).