Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Romeo And Juliet Essay On Death - 1548 Words

Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows Romeo’s infatuation with two things: death, and Juliet, one overpowering the other. Romeo is suicidal; everything related to eternal rest peaks his interest. Juliet causes Romeo to die which reveals that Juliet did what death itself could not. She helped Romeo forget about the harsh realities of the world, whereas death allowed Romeo an option in the end where he could be alongside his one and only true love. Whether it be in hell or heaven, Romeo would have followed Juliet anywhere. Despite Romeo’s obsession with death, his constant references to Juliet suggests that it is not true. From the first time Romeo lays his eyes on Juliet, he was entranced by her beauty and falls in love†¦show more content†¦I am content, so thou wilt have it so/Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so† (3.5.17-18 and 24). Romeo is content with dying if Juliet wills it so. This brings light to the fact that Romeo does not worry about himself or about anything other than Juliet when he is with her. When he goes to Mantua, Romeo quickly becomes depressed. He complains that, â€Å"heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, live here in heaven and may look on her, but Romeo may not† (3.3.29-32). Romeo reveals that anywhere outside Verona is a place of purgatory if the unworthiest of creatures are able to gaze upon Juliet’s beauty while he is stuck in Mantua. As a result, he believes that the banishment is worse than dying as he is tortured by the fact that he may never be able to see her again without t he risk of being killed. The only way for Romeo to be together with Juliet is through the means of dying. As Romeo heard of Juliet’s deceasement, he rushes to go to Verona despite the evident threat to his life, with poison, to kill himself alongside Juliet. He kills himself just before Juliet woke up. Juliet then kills herself so that they may be together in the afterlife regardless of if it is hell or heaven. Suicide is considered an utmost sin in Christianity and by killing himself, he rescinded his beliefs and religion to be with the one he loved. They both revoke their religion in order to be with each other, neither of them caringShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Deaths of Romeo and Juliet1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe Deaths of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossd lovers take their life; I dont agree with the quotation above because I think the tragic deaths of both Romeo and Juliet are caused by human decision. It is an indirect result of the decisions and actions Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeares plays about tragedy. It is aboutRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Death Essay715 Words   |  3 PagesDestination, where death is unstoppable. Every decision and action made by the characters can be fated by the universe. 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